Thursday, September 3, 2020

Wise Blood Essay free essay sample

In the film Wise Blood the subject of religion is examined all through the whole film. There were a wide range of men attempting to advise the by gauges to tail them and that their way was correct. Indeed, even the principle character, Hazel Motes, was endeavoring to lead the individuals to a congregation with no God. Flannery O’Conner painted an alternate sort of image of the materialistic individuals in the obscure city of this film. He does this through the subject of religion. In â€Å"Wise Blood†, the Religion is treated as though it were simply one more materialistic thing. Individuals need the freshest patterns and that can incorporate religion moreover. The old â€Å"traditional† methods of strict convictions are tried in this film. Religion, in â€Å"Wise Blood†, is treated as though it were something individuals could use to get cash. The fundamental character, Hazel Motes, endeavored to change that materialistic conviction, yet at long last he didn't do it equity. We will compose a custom paper test on Astute Blood Essay or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Hazel Motes is a military official returning home attempting to begin another life. At the point when he is in the city he runs into an alleged â€Å"blind† evangelist in the city. The visually impaired man was lecturing that there is a God and that individuals need to provide for the congregation through him. Hazel was extremely vexed about this and begun endeavoring to lecture that there is no God and they have to tail him when he begins another congregation without a God. At the point when Hazel goes to where he is staying, he discovers the â€Å"blind† minister is remaining there as well. This truly exacerbates things for Hazel. One night Hazel went into the â€Å"blind† man’s room and lit a match to check whether he was truly visually impaired. He had been lying about it. He was only a criminal after people’s cash. He was utilizing God to cause individuals to feel sorry for him and that would thus make them give him cash. While Hazel is lecturing on a traffic intersection, another man comes up to him. (Oly J Holy)**** This specific person thought Hazel was simply making lies up to get cash, when as a general rule Hazel was lecturing from what he accepted. This person gets the plan to oblige Hazel and attempts to receive some cash in return. At the point when the individuals begin listening more to this person in the enormous cap and not Hazel, he gets in his vehicle and drives off. This is one more person attempting to make an expel these by principles in the road. While Hazel probably won't have been totally directly about what he was lecturing, he was the just one really doing it for the correct aim. He was truly saying what he accepted rather than simply attempting to bring in some cash. Hazel is to some degree like the character in the sonnet Howl. This story is tied in with making somebody frantic and that’s what Hazel finished being, distraught. He made himself insane, so insane that he blinded himself and folded wire over his body. The youthful person that needed to chase after Hazel is to some degree like the obscure character in The Invisible Man. In the story the obscure character was dealt with so gravely by all the white men, however he continued pushing through so he could deliver his discourse and he figured somebody may truly like him. The youthful person in the Wise Blood was a similar way. He simply needed to be acknowledged and to have a companion. He continued difficult a wide range of times with Hazel and with others in the road. He wound up not having a companion on the planet. At long last, Hazel didn't get the opportunity to complete need he began. He let different men and the difficulty of their falsehoods get to him. He went to bat for what he trusted in that despite everything was insufficient. At the point when Hazel attempted to leave the city, he was as yet compelled to remain in the frenzy he had by one way or another made. He had to sit and decay in the house until he attempted to leave. He was brought back and when he realized that he was unable to do much else, he kicked the bucket.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Law School Admission Essay

Graduate school Admission Essay Graduate school Admission Essay Preceding composing graduate school confirmation exposition you should have the vital data about the school you will present your reports. For affirmation paper keeping in touch with you might be gotten some information about the graduate school (focal points, impressions, and so forth). Reacting to a comparable article question, remember the variables that are significant for composing achievement. This will assist you with keeping away from the dishonesty and commendation articulations that are bothersome in graduate school affirmation expositions. Composing a paper you ought to be straightforward and fortify your considerations by realities. It is difficult to communicate your musings openly and honestly simultaneously. Try not to be excessively unobtrusive or bad habit section. Show that you have a careful information about the graduate schools while composing an exposition. Be straightforward and clarify your perspectives while composing an English essay:http://.com/blog/school- english-exposition You might be gotten some information about perfect pioneers, about your inclinations and interests. For example 'Enlighten us regarding one of your side interests. What might you want to do when you have extra time, and for what reason do you appreciate the predetermined movement?' Such article questions are a decent chance to give more data about you. The remarks about your side interests will assist with understanding your singularity. Graduate schools lean toward their understudies to be flexible characters. Your word related action is just a little piece of your character. For graduate schools, it is significant whether you are a functioning individual outside of school. It is notable that a significant number of the thoughts epitomized in effective later life show up when you are not grinding away. So your work outside business hours frequently influences your tendency. What's more, the entertaining, uncommon and intriguing individuals can cause a recovery in all that they to ac complish either grinding away or while examining. Their insight, eagerness and ability to forfeit are moved to other people. You have a great chance while composing an article to show your administration capacities and uniqueness. Affirmation Essay Help What might you feel if nobody took a gander at your evaluations, experience or score on the tests? Envision for a second that a delegate of the entrance advisory board finds just your custom exposition while opening a bundle of reports. Envision that the delegate of the entrance advisory board will settle on a choice just based on what is written in your article, a choice that will influence your predetermination. Thus, confirmation exposition writersmust be intense about composing graduate school paper. .com Graduate school affirmation exposition composing help is an answer for understudies who need to be fruitful, be that as it may, have no opportunity to give to composing. Custom confirmation exposition composing is your opportunity to propel your scholastic greatness with no endeavors. is a system of expert authors who are accessible day in and day out! Peruse too: Procedure Essay The most effective method to Write a Book Report Most loved Season Essays Online Essay Editing Altering English Paper

Friday, August 21, 2020

Drug Legalization Essay Example For Students

Medication Legalization Essay Will the sanctioning of specific medications lessen the crime percentage in the UnitedStates? This inquiry has perplexed United States officials, reformists, andcitizens the same for such a long time that numerous individuals most likely think of it as a rhetoricalquestion. In light of this, I believe that the main arrangement is go tothe research and see what studies would state about the difficulty. For thisparticular paper, I discovered some exploration that took a gander at the sanctioning ofmarijuana in the United States, and I think for every single escalated reason, it isthe best medication to talk about in regard to legitimization in any case. To be completelyhonest, I believe that cannabis ought to be sanctioned in our nation. That is justa sincere belief, that Im sure is shared by most of children that aremy age too. In any case, by and by I don't utilize maryjane for clinical or medicinalpurposes, however in any event 50% of the individuals that I partner with do useit so I know about it. One reason that I figure it ought to belegalized is the way that liquor is lawful. In the entirety of my encounters with thetwo drugs, I accept that the impacts of liquor certainly exceed those ofmarijuana. Lets simply state that I would much rather be on the expressway withsomeone who is stoned on pot than to be on the roadway with somebody that isreally alcoholic. I additionally believe that authorizing cannabis would cause the gracefully anddemand to move and the cost would fall, lightening the need of some to roband murder for enough cash to help their propensity. I could contend my point forparagraphs, however rather, I will perceive what research says about it, and who knows,I may alter my perspective. The article that I utilized for this paper originated from the June1998 issue of The Journal of Legal Medicine. It is entitled Is the discussion aSmoke Screen for Movement Toward Legalization. The writer refers to in thearticle a scene of the sitcom Murphy earthy colored, where entertainer Candice Bergensmokes a joint on national TV for restorative purposes while sufferingfrom bosom malignant growth. The creator accepts that the broadly broadcast sitcomendorsed a medication that has not been acknowledged by the FDA yet and that the occasion perhaps a hinting of things to come of the medication in our nation. In the article, theauthor suggested a similar conversation starter that we are confronted with in this exposition? The authorbelieves that before the US sanctions the medication, that they should take a gander at anothercountrys encounters with wrongdoing where the medication is lawful. In this particularcase, he utilizes Holland as an examination. The measurements that he discovered were veryshocking to me. The writer of the article found that: somewhere in the range of 1984 and 1992,marijuana use among guys between the ages of 12 and 18 expanded by 277percent. During this specific time; shootings expanded 40 percent, carthefts expanded 62 percent, and hold-ups expanded 69 percent. Regardless of whether ornot these insights can be demonstrated to be because of the sanctioning of cannabis ishard to demonstrate, yet they unquestionably make one consider it. Additionally in the article,the writer uncovers that: 75 percent of criminal guilty parties in the UnitedStates accept that they were under some impact of maryjane at the time ofthe wrongdoing, and 7 percent of the individuals who carried out manslaughters accept their actionswere straightforwardly identified with their utilization of weed. In spite of the fact that there are defects onboth sides of the contest, probably the most grounded point to the counter legalizationmovement is the contention that pot is a portal tranquilize which prompts the useof harder, progressively addictive medications. .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3 , .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3 .postImageUrl , .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3 , .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3:hover , .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3:visited , .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3:active { border:0!important; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3:active , .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ua72816122159468c3e d26810fd61c7e3 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ua72816122159468c3ed26810fd61c7e3:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: I am fiercely warring for harmony Essay In this specific article, the writer refers to astudy in which out of the entirety of the people contemplated, 20 percent of people whouse maryjane were three to multiple times bound to proceed to utilize cocaine, and75 percent of people who utilized cannabis at least multiple times later usedcocaine. Another solid contention is that on the off chance that the US sanctions the medication formedicinal purposes, at that point it will encourage the authorization of weed on ahigher scale, an increasingly recreational scale. Along these lines, the main thing that I can concludeis that the authoriza tion of maryjane is a dangerous difficulty that theUnited States has been confronted with for a long time. The two sides have considerablearguments, however there is still so much debate and hazy area that follows thesubject. Like most different Americans, I have a great deal of trouble taking eitherside. I believe that the best way to determine the issue is to proceed toresearch maryjane, its advantages and its threats, and see which onesoutweigh the others. It is at that point and at exactly that point that administrators should settle on theirultimate choice about the destiny of the medication in our nation. BibliographyIs the Debate a Smoke Screen for Movement Toward Legalization? The Journal ofLegal Medicine. June, 1998##FOOTER##

Monday, June 15, 2020

Research and Scholarship Paper - 2750 Words

Research and Scholarship (Research Paper Sample) Content: Research and ScholarshipName:Date:Institution:Course:Tutor:ÂTrajectories of Identification: Travel and global culture in the films of Wong Kar-WaiForm the deep history of Hong Kong, Wong Kar-wai is well known of his ability to direct films all over the west countries. He is currently associated by the best directorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s prize awarded to him during the Cannes Film festivals said to take place back in the year 1997. As if thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s not enough, he has been supported financially by the European in producing the film by the name In the Mood for Love. His ride is primarily hidden in his films that portray the tendency to bring out cultural referents of the foreign countries. Wong has created an environment full of cultural translation questions. The main riddle standing out to be what primarily happens to Hong Kongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s articulation of identity within the current intertextual approach as well as the international reception.[Chong, Ethel. "Urban Alie nation in Wong Kar Wai's Films." Kinema. Accessed November 6,2014. /article.php?id=130feature.] [Huang, Tsung-yi. "Chungking Express: Walking with a Map of Desire in the Mirage of theGlobal City." Quarterly Review of Film and Video (2001): 129-142.] For the research paper to meet the qualifications of answering the question it gives a clear contextualization of one of the Wong Kar-wai films known as Chungking Express. However, grounding the argument on Chungking Express alone may not be in a position to efficiently show how cultural translation and travel is brought out by Wong Kar-wai. Therefore, need arises to make use of his other related films like Happy Together (1997) and In the Mood of Love (2000). Arguably, the paper may in one way or the other incorporate Wongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s earlier recordings, which tend to have the concept of trans-cultural references with them. These films include the Days of Being Wild (1990) that illustrates one of the characterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s journeys to Ph ilippines in search of her biological mother.Basing this argument on the library exercise conducted recently on the film Chungking Express, the paper shall put more emphasis on Wongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s most recent films supported by other scholarly articles. The reason behind this selection is the ability of the films and peer reviewed journals to tackle the contextualization purpose. Chungking Express by Wong is in a better position to illustrate the existing relationship between travel and culture in the foreign countries in a more complex manner. Therefore, every film used in making up the context of the paper can be said to have an effective background on the context of trajectories of identification. The paper covers a broad range of thoughts as it puts Chungking Express film it its context form. Supportive ideas that are helpful in the general understanding of the film are put across in a more comprehensive manner to boost the argumentative characteristic of the essay.[James Clifford, "Traveling Cultures," in Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson, and Paula A. Treichler, eds., Cultural Studies (New York and London: Routledge, 1992), 103.] Among the credible resources used in contextualization of Chungking Express includes a book entitled Studying "Chungking Express" by Redmond (2008). It promptly portrays its attempt to show how Wong maps out the cinematic and literary context in his films. Redmond in his efforts of criticizing Wongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s work, he brings out the aesthetic value idea of Wongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s oeuvre. Each and every scholarly resource used in the paper aims at orchestrating the intertextual function related to the global movement inhibited by the characters. By so doing, recent Wong films and the supportive stories prove the possibilities as well as the barriers of trans-cultural identification as brought out by the context of Chungking Express.[Redmond, Sean. Studying Chungking Express. Columbia University Press, 2008.] The films by Wong make the theme firm by the fact that they happen to have emerged during the Hong Kong handover to China back in the year 1997. The territorial status during this period (neocolonial and postcolonial), are well illustrated in the films through imagery and symbolism. To put the idea on the mirror, Wong in his films uses a backdrop that frames out the global culture as well as territorial identification in the name travel. That absolutely creates a feeling of doubt regarding the critical approaches grounded on the notions of cultural resistance or even cultural hegemony.Chungking Express is in a position to address the romantic comedy genre and its corresponding film noir in a pair of tales. The first tale is distinguished as the following of an undercover cop given the title number "Cop 223" (Takeshi Kaneshiro). According to the play, the cop seems to have been left by a girl whom she claims to be her girlfriend. Digging deeper into the cop 223à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s melancholy, it seems to be interrupted b y a mysterious woman (Brigitte Lin) during his spending of a platonic evening. The other tale is associated with yet another cop, but this time round, a non-uniform officer. The film entitles the cop as "Cop 663" (Tony Leung). The cop in this tale is well known for his habit to inanimate objects more so the from a house hold. Illustrating his habit better, he fails to notice the drama behind Midnight express Takeaway bar. In that scene, Faye who is spotted as the cashier is seen to have fallen for cop 663. Afterwards, the film is concerned in availing information on their date agreement at California bar. Their dating terms are then preceded by Fayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s departing to California and later on bringing back with him a boarding pass that constitutes of paper napkin.[Wong, Nicholas Y B. "Film as Text: 1931-2009: Loving You by Not Falling in Love: The Postmodern Representation of Love in "Chungking Express" and "Lost in Translationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ." Screen Education 53 (2009): 131-13 7Marchetti, "Buying American, Consuming Hong Kong," 306.] [Cheung, Ruby. "Books: "Wong Kar-wai"; "Wong Kar-waià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ." Film Criticism 30, no. 3 (2006):75-78.] Like any other film by Wong, Chungking Express brings out the idea of international traveling. As illustrated in the previous paragraph, acting characters are seen be moving in and out of the country or even having the plans to travel. Wong makes that movement evident by the use of often appearing images of toy jets, airports, airplanes as well as citizen passports. In correspondence with the movement behavior, the films have an indication of virtual trans-cultural mobility. Identification theme is established by the cultural investment materials, which Wong uses as an investment in his play. That in a way elaborates the context of identification in regard to the contextualizing process of the Chungking Express film.["Interview with Wong Kar-wai (Toronto International Film Festival, 1995)," interview with Peter Brune tte, in Peter Brunette, Wong Kar-wai, 115.] Grounding its roots deeper in the Hong Kong mainstream context, Chungking Express shows some specifications of cultural references within the foreign countries. Strengthening the argument on the foreign cultural context, the filmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s tone is said to have its origins as Japan and other European modern art cinemas. To be precise, the plot structure disregarded by the breezy and musical background marks the trans-cultural context in the film. The music and plot structure resembles that of French films like Godard and Truffaut. Still focusing at the cultural context of Wongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s film, research proves that the piecemeal structures have an affinity to those used by South American writers. A good example of writers associated with the use of such piecemeal structures include Gabriel Marquez and Manuel Puig "from whom, he says, he learnt to build a plot out of fragmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ .[David Bordwell, Planet Hong Kong: Popular Cinema and the Art of Entertainment (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000), 270.] Putting into comparison Japanese literature by Haruki Murakami and the pop culture references from Wongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s film, a trend of similarity is traced. As if that is not enough, contextualization of Chungking Express film views cop 233 who is obsessed with eating of pineapples as a credible example of pop culture. Further research conducted by Curtis Tsui proves the use of emotional expressive visuals in the Chungking Express film that resembles those used by Taoist art of Midland China. Last but not least, Wong in his film incorporates USA traditions and customs of film noir. That is made evident by some characteristics of caters in the film which include femme fatal persona, undefined womanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s raincoat as well as the two confused cops with deadpan voiceovers. In regard to that, the lightness presentation of tone in the conversation between the cop663 and Faye is a copy of the USA roman tic voice used in the acting of romantic comedies.[Curtis K. Tsui, "Subjective Culture and History: The Ethnographic Cinema of Wong Kar-wai," Asian Cinema 7, no. 2 (1995): 94.] If the US culture is to be identified in the film Chungking Express, one can term it as omnipresent. The reason behind this argument is the hidden riddle behind use of US fashion, music as well as commercial products in Wongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s film. According to Gina Marchetti, the US culture is used by Wong to put more emphasis on commodification of characters in the play. It goes to an extent of characters acting as commodities. A prompt example is that of cop 223 in the film whose relationship with her girlfriend got terminated and as a result, he became embodied in Del Monte pineappleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s cans. A similar situations of comodification can be traced within the reception of "California Dreamin" where Fayeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s desire to travel to Hong Kong is catered for and in addition a so...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Kitchen Cabinetâ€Origin of the Term and Its Political Meaning

The Kitchen Cabinet was a mocking term applied to an official circle of advisers to President Andrew Jackson. The term has endured through many decades, and now generally refers to a politicians informal circle of advisers.   When Jackson came into office after the bruising election of 1828, he was very distrustful of official Washington. As part of his anti-establishment actions, he began to dismiss government officials who had held the same jobs for years. His reshuffling of the government became known as​ the  Spoils System. And in an apparent effort to ensure that power rested with the president, not other people in the government, Jackson appointed fairly obscure or ineffectual men to most of the posts in his cabinet. The only man considered to possess any  real political stature in Jacksons cabinet was Martin Van Buren, who was appointed secretary of state. Van Buren had been a very influential figure in politics in New York State, and his ability to bring northern voters in line with Jacksons frontier appeal helped Jackson win the presidency. Jacksons Cronies Wielded the Real Power The real power in Jacksons administration rested with a circle of friends and political cronies who often did not hold official office. Jackson was always a controversial figure, thanks largely to his violent past and mercurial temperament. And  opposition newspapers, implying there was something nefarious about the president receiving much unofficial advice, came up with the play on words, kitchen cabinet, to describe the informal group. Jacksons official cabinet was sometimes called the parlor cabinet. The Kitchen Cabinet included newspaper editors, political supporters, and old friends of Jacksons. They tended to support him in such efforts as the Bank War, and the implementation of the Spoils System. Jacksons informal group of advisers became more powerful as Jackson became estranged from people within his own administration. His own vice president, John C. Calhoun, for example, rebelled against Jacksons policies, resigned, and began to instigate what became the Nullification Crisis. The Term Endured In later presidential administrations, the term kitchen cabinet took on a less derisive meaning and simply came to be used to denote a presidents informal advisers. For example, when Abraham Lincoln was serving as president, he was known to correspond with newspaper editors Horace Greeley (of the New York Tribune), James Gordon Bennett (of the New York Herald), and Henry J. Raymond (of the New York Times). Given the complexity of issues Lincoln was dealing with, the advice (and political support) of prominent editors was both welcome and extremely helpful. In the 20th century, a good example of a kitchen cabinet would be the circle of advisers President John F. Kennedy would call upon. Kennedy respected intellectuals and former government officials such as George Kennan, one of the architects of the Cold War. And he would reach out to historians and scholars for informal advice on pressing issues of foreign affairs as well as domestic policy. In modern usage, the kitchen cabinet has generally lost the suggestion of impropriety. Modern presidents are generally expected to rely on a wide range of individuals for advice, and the idea that unofficial persons would be advising the president is not seen as improper, as it had been in Jacksons time.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Relationship Between Achilles And Iliad - 1079 Words

What does it take to consider someone a hero? During Greek and Roman antiquity a hero could be defined as a strong, virtuous man who can bravely lead others. In this time period, earning honor for yourself, your family, and your city-state was the most important for a man to achieve. Achilles of Homer’s epic poem Iliad and Aeneas of Virgil’s Aeneid are depicted to be great heroes, although they can only achieve their goals with the assistance of divine intervention. Looking at the relationship between â€Å"heroes† and the gods, Achilles and Aeneas could not have succeeded without help from the gods, leading them toward the inevitable fate the gods wanted for them. Homer describes Achilles to be the fiercest trooper in battle due to his†¦show more content†¦According to the ancient Greek definition of heroism, turning your back on your city-state when they are in dire need of your help is the exact opposite. In turn, he dishonors his name by knowingly no t participating in the war, and wasting the gift of swift feet from his mother and the gods. Overall, Achilles proves himself to be the opposite of a hero throughout the epic. Interference from the gods and the works of fate also play a role in Achilles claim to fame. Homer acknowledges the gods’ superior power of â€Å"Incalculable pain, pitched countless souls of heroes into Hades’ dark, and left their bodies to rot as feasts for dogs and birds, as Zeus’ will was done† (Homer 1) to begin the epic. In this quote Homer depicts Zeus in control of which soldiers die and sending them off to Hades. Homer confirms that the fate of the warriors is out of their hands, and it ultimately decided by the gods. Although the citizens have control over their actions, the gods use their power to sway the actions of them, and keep them on course with what they want to happen. The gods and goddesses even go as far as to wage and trade the lives of their beloved people in order to keep their desired fate in motion. Virgil portrays Aeneas as theShow MoreRelatedMovie, Troy, By Wolfgang Petersen1273 Words   |  6 PagesTroy, by Wolfgang Petersen, the story, although interesting, fails to correctly follow the plot of Homer’s The Iliad in multiple instances. From the overall timeline of the story to the main focus and character development, much creative license was taken in the production. While the movie is certainly fantastic, many differences exist between its main focus and that of The Iliad. The Iliad opens with the Achaeans approaching the Trojan shore. Speaking to Agamemnon from across the water is a priestRead MoreEssay on A Review of the Movie Troy808 Words   |  4 Pagesoffice hit. Troy, based on the Iliad, has proven to be a very loose adaptation of Homers classic and one cannot help noticing the major differences between the book and the movie. One of the most noticeable differences between the book and the movie is the absence of the Gods. In Homers Iliad, the Gods played a major part in the Trojan War. Though the viewers are made aware that the characters believe in the Gods, the only God we see in the movie is Thetis, Achilles mother. The omission of theRead MoreSimilarities Between The And The Epic Of The Iliad1570 Words   |  7 Pagesof years that the epic story the Iliad has survived, which is credited to the famous Greek poet, Homer. In the 2004 film Troy, directed by Wolfgang Peterson, the plot resembles and is based from the epic poem, the Iliad. When the movie Troy was released, there was criticism on how even though the movie was based off of the Iliad, there were numerous differences from the Iliad itself. Even with its differences, the movie, Troy, does have many similarities to the Iliad. Even though there are numerousRead MoreFamily Dynamics in Homers Iliad969 Words   |  4 PagesThe relationships bet ween parents and their sons in the Iliad are not relationships we expect to see in today’s society. The Iliad portrays the relationships between fathers and sons as something more than just physical and emotional. It is based on pride and respect for one another. The expectations of their son are more so to pass on their fathers reputable name and to follow in their father’s footsteps of being noble warriors. These relationships are the driving forces in the Iliad, making eachRead MoreThe Epic Of The Iliad943 Words   |  4 Pages The Iliad tells the story of the battles between the Achaeans and the Trojans, and the events happening during the weeks of arguing between King Agamemnon, the leader of the Greeks, and Achilles, Greece’s greatest warrior. These events play the role of a playground for the gods, as they often intervene and usually change the outcome of certain events. In regard to Homer, Longinus claims that he feels â€Å"indeed that in rec ording as he does the wounding of the gods, their quarrels, vengeanceRead MoreThe Epic War By Homer915 Words   |  4 PagesThe Iliad may be seen as an account of circumstances that really change the life of one man, Achilles, one of the greatest Achaeans warriors. The loyal war hero is the main character in the Iliad. It is his storyline that creates the essence of the epic war written by Homer. When the poem is first read it seems as though the main theme is about the dominance, gruesomeness, horror, and plain destruction of Troy, however this is not the main focus. We see Achilles transform from youth to adulthoodRead MoreRelationships Between the Gods and Mortals in Homers Iliad638 Words   |  3 PagesQ1.Describe the relationships between the gods and mortals in The Iliad .What are the Greek gods like? The Greek gods are highly partisan beings in the Iliad. The Greek gods side with different armies there is no side that is more moral or favored by the gods than the other. The Trojan War itself was largely begun because of a rivalry between Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera. The gods also favor certain mortals Athena prefers Odysseus, for example, while Aphrodite adores Paris. This favoring is notRead MoreHonor And Glory By Homer1574 Words   |  7 Pagestakes the lives of many men. Honor and Glory are what define the hero in the epic poem, The Iliad, written by Homer. Throughout the Iliad, honor and glory is the motivation behind the characters, there are different ways to obtain honor and glory, and the different views of honor throughout the epic poem. The idea of honor and glory are essential to understanding the motivation behind the characters in the Iliad. Glory was gained by the heroic actions and deeds. The best opportunity to gain honor wasRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Iliad And The Odysseys1428 Words   |  6 Pagesfrom Homer’s The Iliad and The Odysseys are depicted on the vases. Each vase has a story and the painters depict the moments or events in the poem in the exact way Homer describes. However, some depictions on the vases could be dramatized by the painters because the painter brought their imagination from the story of Homer. Through the Ancient Greek vases, we can get new information or background information about the Homer’s poem and we can understand the scenes better in the Iliad and the odysseysRead MoreA Comparative Analysis of Odysseus and Achilles Essay1207 Words   |  5 PagesA Comparative Analysis of Odysseus and Achilles The Trojan War was more than a series of battles between opposing forces, it was the climax of an age of heroes. The retrieval of Helen brought together many of the mythological characters of that time onto a single stage. Of the thousands of brave men who fought at Ilion, two men stood above the masses, sharing the title of hero. They were born in the line of those on Mt. Olympus, favored by the gods. Excelling in courage and skill, adored by those

Sue Sylvester Would Hate Me free essay sample

Wednesday is my favorite day of the week. At my school, Wednesdays and Thursdays are â€Å"block days† where classes last for eighty minutes instead of the usual forty. On Wednesdays, my last class of the day is A Cappella singing.Or, as we fondly call it, â€Å"Blockappella.† It is the best time of the weekeighty minutes of singing. Admittedly, I am a music nerd so singing for that long is my idea of the perfect class. Fortunately for me, there are many students at Field who feel the same way. A typical â€Å"Blockappella† Wednesday begins with me walking up the stairs next to our classroom, where I can usually hear the muffled voices of my classmates harmonizing on â€Å"Proud Mary,† by Tina Turner. The thought of teenagers willingly singing and harmonizing on a diva tune from the 70s might be baffling for those who don’t watch Glee, but if you spent a day with the Field School Tempo Tantrums then you would certainly understand. We will write a custom essay sample on Sue Sylvester Would Hate Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We all share the same bond of having a genuine passion for music and singing. However, my passion for music was not born in A Cappella class. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved music and singing. The walls and shelves of my room are covered with musical artifacts and memories, including the Abbey Road Beatles poster, some real vinyl records, and programs from Broadway shows. I have also been playing piano since I was six and I have been taking voice lessons for four years. While I cannot say that singing came naturally to me at first, I have worked hard to get to where I am now. I’m proud of how my persistence has paid off. I am also lucky to have amazing teachers to help me improve my singing and who encourage my passion for music: especially our A Cappella teacher, David Buffum, fondly known as D-Buff, Buffles and Buff-Man. (Since we call our teachers by their first names at my school, this is appropriatemaybe.) David was in high school and college a cappella groups and even went on to sing in a professional group called The Vineyard Sound. His zeal for music is contagious. Over the past three years, I have learned so much from him about harmonies, chord structures, blending my voice with the rest of the group, and appreciating music as an art form. Every time David plays a video, song, or sound clip, I try to wait before I react to the sound of the piece, because David always tells us, â€Å"It is not humanly possible to truly listen to music if you are talking.† Thanks to David, each time I truly listen, I discover new things about a song that I wouldn’t noticed otherwise. Today all I discover when I hear the boys singing â€Å"Proud Mary† is that they simply cannot sing like Tina Turner, despite their best efforts. When I open the door to the classroom, I find the group of four boys singing in major thirds above one another, snapping along. Entranced by the music, only one looks over to me with a smile and waves. I sit down on the brown suede couch, the prime sitting spot, and listen to them sing. Soon, the rest of the class files in along with David. My fellow A Cappella devotees scramble to talk to him about the great barber shop quartet video they saw last night on YouTube or how ruthless Sue Sylvester was on Glee on Tuesday. David smiles and takes the time to talk to each student, carefully listening and enjoying each conversation, just as he always does. Finally, David claps his hands and announces that it is time to start. He takes out his trusty pitch fork, hears the note, gives us our pitches for one of our songs right on the spot, cou nts us in, â€Å"A-one, a-two, a-one, two, three, four,† and we begin. Eighty minutes of singing. Nothing gets better than that.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Sample of aCritique Essay of Health Program

Sample of aCritique Essay of Health ProgramAny high school senior can benefit from using samples of a critique essay of health program. A high school senior needs to think out of the box when it comes to writing a critical review of a student-run health clinic. High school seniors who have experience in medical fields, such as, dental, optometry, nursing, or veterinary, will be most able to understand the challenges that are presented by writing a critique of a clinic. In fact, they may already have experience working with clinics.Students may wish to request that one of their teachers, or professors, recommend the best programs to work with. If the school is large enough, most teachers will be able to help students who are reviewing medical clinics. Colleges and universities may also provide good information about clinics to their students. However, most colleges and universities offer limited resources when it comes to selecting clinics to review.A student may wish to check with a more reputable organization that deals with education and employment in this field. For example, if a college or university is offering a program, a student may be able to get information about the school's internship program, including the number of students that the university is accepting. On the Internet, students can learn how many students are working at the school, as well as how many students are currently interning. The student may then choose a clinic to review from among the listings on the internet. Then, students can easily print out the samples of a critique essay of health program that they find on the websites.Students may also want to obtain a copy of the program's written standards. The curriculum, which will serve as the basis for the class, is usually given to students before they enter college or university. Therefore, the students may want to request a copy of the curriculum. It is also a good idea for students to inquire about the program's marketing plan, whi ch includes its total budget and goals for the coming year.A good way for students to get ideas about what to write about when reviewing clinics is to ask a few colleagues or seniors. They will probably be very knowledgeable about a clinic's services, and they will be able to provide the students with information that they cannot easily find on the internet. Many students will likely want to focus on the services that are offered at the clinic, rather than discuss the clinic's philosophy. This is because some students are under the impression that the clinic's philosophy is an integral part of the services that it provides.Students may also want to look at the kinds of people who work at the clinic. Many times, a clinic that is aimed at adults, will not hire teenagers. Therefore, students may want to consider whether or not the people who work there are above the age of 18.Students should also discuss how they would rate the clinic based on several criteria. Ideally, a student shoul d find a reliable source and take some time to compare the clinic's rating with other similar clinics. Some students will want to analyze the clinic by providing a score on several specific categories. This will allow students to find the clinic that best suits their needs.When students have found a clinic to review, they will probably want to deliver a report that is detailed and well-written. Students will need to answer a number of questions, such as how long they have worked at the clinic, what kind of problem the clinic solves, and what problems the clinic wants to solve. When students finish a critique of a health program, they should prepare a formal report, which should include a summary of their opinions. Other materials, such as references, materials that the student did not use, and short stories that demonstrate the experiences that the student has had with the clinic, should also be included.

Monday, April 6, 2020

The True Meaning of Illustration Essay Example

The True Meaning of Illustration Essay Example When you're going to compose a brilliant essay, it's quite important to select an intriguing subject to involve people into reading. In the event that you want to do, extract each one of the important thoughts. You should select a topic that's exciting to you because it's not possible to write about something you're not interested in. The topic of the essay ought to be written in such a manner that readers feel interest whilst reading rather than thinking up a notion that theme of essay is breaking while reading and it isn't maintaining overall. Keep in your mind that if you're writing an essay, the outline is a rather important thing that you should do before you begin to compose your work. An illustration essay is the type of paper where the author would use various examples to demonstrate his status in the paper. It can be often called an exemplification essay that explains a certain idea using a range of examples. Need help you may find illustration essay and examples to pick from, which is a short illustration essay writing. Illustration essay is here in order to prove a specific thing exists. The first purpose of the author is to determine what things to jot down illustration essay about. If you wish to succeed, the very first thing you are to do is to pick the suitable topic for your essay. It's definitely better to inquire into the subject of your essay yourself. It is hard to write a great essay if you aren't fascinated about the subject you've chosen. In reality, you will can create a good essay if you decide on its topic correctly. So to be certain that you compose a top-quality essay you obviously should know the inside story of the topic. There are a number of good topics for illustration essays to select from. If you wish to earn a great essay, you should have great examples. Your illustrative essay needs to be outstanding and only examples from real life is able to help you create this kind of essay. If you still find it tough to work on the illustrative essay or a different sort of homework assignment, it's far better to contact expert essay writers ASAP. A personality is something which one can non inherit. Standard examples have the ability to supply an instance of a typical experience that numerous people had. It might be difficult to larn and follow such traits. however, it is non impossible. Harmonizing to it, if it's possible to recognize people with the correct traits, you've identified an individual with leading potency. Illustration Essay Example - Is it a Scam? The essay needs to have a great structure to impress your reader. You ought to think about the sort of case-study you're writing. You n eed to make use of concrete examples to create a lot superior understanding for your readers and ensure it is relatable for your audience. Do not overlook the hook because it will grab the reader attention. Sometimes called the exemplification essay, the illustration essay explains an overall principle or idea by employing lots of well-chosen examples. Ensure you list more examples than you believe you'll ultimately include. You have a great deal of illustrative essay examples online and every one of them will help you earn the most suitable selection and write a superb paper all on your own. A specific case of illustration employs a personal experience or other men and women experience that is discovered to be dominant to present a vital illustration essay example. Illustration Essay Example Explained If you're not pleased with certain points, we'll revise the matter depending on your requirements with no additional charge. The procedure for buying is extremely straightfo rward. To start is the toughest endeavor, usually. The examples need to be set in the appropriate purchase. We're an experienced writing service which works with students for many decades. With the support of that statement, you are going to be guiding your research. For some of them you will require help, while others you are able to write all on your own. Another example may be a student who sought treatment for panic attacks because she felt pressured to keep a high GPA to be able to continue to keep her scholarship. What You Don't Know About Illustration Essay Example The crucial point to ensure when writing the illustrative paper is the fact that it doesn't wind up sounding like a long and tedious collection of examples. If you wish to start a productive illustration essay for your school or college, then you have to first understand the purpose and style necessary for writing one. So there is not anything difficult in completing such an endeavor. There are certain ly times as soon as your prof won't require that you incorporate any research. There are scores and scores of various channels on the internet that dwell upon particular topics which may be on the creation of your essay. If you want more college level illustration essay topics, you are able to easily see them on the internet since there are many such lists. Finding them online isn't difficult. There are dozens of sites where you are able to get plenty of information. Every kind of essay demands an outline. Use each keyword which you wrote in your introduction as the primary focus of every of your body paragraphs. When you choose a favorite topic to write about in your illustration essay paragraph, you must have the sources you have to receive all of the info you will need for the topic. Some sample topics are given below.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Rise of 2016 Ap Composition Essay Student Samples

The Rise of 2016 Ap Composition Essay Student Samples After you're prepared to develop a thesis, have a look at these Argumentative Thesis Statement Examples. You're able to seek the services of the Best Essay Writing Service and receive an original customized essay written by a seasoned writer. Stephen's essay is rather effective. Other questions refer to the whole essay or regions of the essay and request that you look at the essay's organization, development, or effectiveness of language. Odds are, all you have to do is relax and locate a topic you're passionate about and, needless to say, one that's debatable. They are good that the same topics will not be repeated and you will end up writing an essay that answers a different question. The AP English argument FRQ has become the most straightforward of the AP English FRQs as it is the most like essays you're already utilized to writing. English essay format is extremely important, so you need to adhere to a particular structure. It doesn't have to be the longest essay or the one which you received the maximum grade for. It should encompass your whole essay in only a single sentence. 2016 Ap Composition Essay Student Samples Help! Moreover, the exam demands familiarity with research and reference abilities. For those who have access to multiple practice tests, you may even take complete tests at various times in the studying procedure to observe how you've improved and what you still must work on. You can also locate practice tests in lots of the official study guides, and some even incorporate a diagnostic test to serve as your initial assessment. Simply take a practice test to evaluate your primary understanding. 2016 Ap Composition Essay Student Samples for Dummies The dictionary defines love a specific sort of affection. The definition of love differs to the majority of people. At length, the detail of real speech makes the scene pop. The bulleted lists under each topic are supposed to be representative as opposed to prescriptive. The One Thing to Do for 2016 Ap Composition Essay Student Samples It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points you could counter to your own points. Tie every claim you make to a bit of evidence to make sure the ideal essay possible. You have to cite the sources whether you're paraphrasing or quoting. You'll have to source both articles in your essay utilizing inline citations. Questioning the text you're reading is a very good place to begin. The tiny note at the conclusion of the prompt about avoiding plot summary is extremely important. When you have the outline down, then you are able to begin populating it with a couple sentences per point. In any case, make certain that you rewrite the prompt in your words so you fully understand the aims of the essay. The 5-Minute Rule for 2016 Ap Composition Essay Student Samples Even though there are just two short paragraphs, there's a good deal of room for confusion here. If you've decided what you're likely to write, make a rough outline of how you're going to proceed before give it the last shot. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. Each lesson is self-paced, so you are able to finish the course on your own moment. The 5-Minute Rule for 2016 Ap Composition Essay Stud ent Samples Are you trying hard to find quality writers. When people on the web aren't polite, they don't fret about their tone in any respect, and it offends people. Even though the writer's ideas are normally understandable, the constraint of language is often immature. It's also wise to attempt to read the works of published writers in a wide variety of subjects, paying particular attention to the ways the writers use language to share their meaning. 6 A 6 essay demonstrates a high level of competence and sustained control, although it might have a couple minor errors. You will discover that a lot of the topics can be adapted to suit almost any sort of writing assignment. You may work on the prompt types which you find the most difficult or practice outlining essays in a particular period of time, or writing all 3 essays in 120 minutes. Writing practice should not be boring! By writing a few of the essays from the subsequent list, you will see what level of writing is required to pass your proficiency exam. It's very beneficial to take writing apart so as to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. If you are searching for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service offered by fully qualified academics in your area of study. Come to consider it, that's also what college is about!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

What the Experts Arent Saying About Technology in Education Essay Topics and How It impacts You

What the Experts Aren't Saying About Technology in Education Essay Topics and How It impacts You Using technologies like the Internet for a teaching tool in schools isn't the problem now because it is pervasively employed. Why students ought to be using technology in their education may be an intricate issue, and there are several tiny points to be made here about the worth of learning, understanding and using technology. Also, there are a number of methods technology can be utilized to teach literacy. Consider the limitless possibilities technology can offer. Greater Motivation It is due to technology that students may see the movies and videos. Students may keep learning new stuff independently with the aid of technology. With technology involved with education, the students are somewhat more active in their learning. Many students have used BUSUU APP to learn unique languages online and they are also able to get access to grammar guides offered by experienced publishers. New advances in technology also prepare students for the true Earth, whether it's for an upcoming job or investing and saving the money that they will make away from their jobs. Now, there are many games created to address a particular puzzle in our academic atmosphere. There isn't any doubt that technology has greatly involved in our everyday lives and mainly if we are speaking about education field. Believe it or not, the direction you implement technology into your lessons is equally as crucial as the choice to achieve that. Or you may perhaps concentrate o n a single component (for instance, classroom management) and discuss how each school handles the scenario. Despite the fact that you pay for homework, we provide those options at no cost. Apparently, it's not sufficient to focus all of your waking hours on school. All students will have the ability to talk about their screens with other people. At this time you've got to compose a paper about education. This AmplifyTablet is the sole tablet for k-12 education. Even patients with long-standing depression might be more ample. It's quite easy to use and its programmed formulas and equations can help you save you a lot of time. Regardless of this, a present survey demonstrates that technology is initiating numerous difficulties. Each student had an excel sheet they used to keep tabs on the stock exchange and an investing program to learn to put money into the stock exchange. Just take the calculator example again, as an example. On-line education is flexible and affordable, students may attend classrooms during their spare time, and they're able to also have an opportunity to interact with different students virtually. Students may save hundreds of dollars. They lead busy lives and often forget about an upcoming deadline. Many students have issues when it regards writing skills, it is not difficult to speak English, but it's not so easy to compose a well compose sentence in English. Tedious task can be automated at the beginning of a lecture that enables the teacher and the students to concentrate on the learning practice. The usage of internet in education made an excellent effect on the educators and students on the full education system. For example, as there are lots of students that are visual learners, projection screens connected to computers could be placed in classrooms to enable the students see their notes as opposed to just sitting down and listening to the instructor teach. There are only a few jobs which our students will be encountering which do not include things like technology in some manner. Students may utilize BrainingCamp to apply their Math knowledge and expertise to address different math equations. They make use of computers to come up with presentations and also make use of the internet to carry out research on a variety of topics for their essays and papers. The Chronicles of Technology in Education Essay Topics Focusing on a p articular part of education will produce the work less cumbersome and you'll have a specific direction for youreducation essay. Be sure you're using technology to boost the way students think, not only the way that they memorise facts. It's always great for a student to know more than 1 language because this increases on their odds of getting jobs across borders. The student isn't going to be blocked by physical boundaries when they have to learn something new. It can be costly to buy all of the text books you have to use at school, so the smartest choice is to rent them for a little while and return them back after use. It is hard to think of any present tools, information and discoveries that aren't the direct effect of science. Currently time, each and every little one knows the way to operate computer and can readily navigate their way by means of a site. Educators and seasoned people around the world upload educational documents that you may download and read using your mobile phone. The Hidden Gem of Technology in Education Essay Topics The cost of an essay is dependent upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. The standard of research and sources they find might not be top-notch. The existence of the book matters less than its quality, and the way that it's used. Inexpensive college papers don't always supply you with the very best quality.